
Brian Groh | Writer

Julien Lasseur | Director

Before filmmaking Julien was an underaged foosball player in french bars and Brian bottle-fed calves for the Ozark county fair. Does that make us great filmmakers? Probably.

Best known for taking rich characters on wholly original journeys, we continue to build our portfolio of produced works as we look career forward into feature films. Project Greenlight, Vimeo Staff Picks and Funny or Die are just a few of the platforms featuring our work. In our downtime we tie our festival lanyards end to end and lasso the moon.

Lasseur’s fast-paced, visually explosive portrayal of a modern Bonnie and Clyde tale turned the California desert into the best kind of grindhouse playground.
— seriesfest best director jury statement


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Groh’s writing seared off the screen in this fluidly paced rollercoaster ride. He has a clearly defined style and a whip smart sense of story.
— seriesfest best writer jury statement